Wednesday, 15 March 2006


Lately I did not give the English translation of the post because I was lazy, but now, my dear fellows I prepared a post just for you English mother tongue (and unknown father)…..
S-Thanks a Lot.
F-You know? It’s nice that you thanks Lot in consideration of my Christian religion, because Lot played quite a role in the old testament, but you can thanks directly me and I won’t thanks for you Thor, although with that big hammer he should have been a great god for the Scandinavian joiners.
X- I come from Wales.
F- oh, that’s cool: like Pinocchio.
S- Did you give the seminar? How it was?
F- They said I’m logorrheic that is not a  inhabitant of Logorra (you know Sodoma & Logorra) but a person who suffer of Logorrhea: I guess etymologically comes from logos=discussion + diarrhea.
CG- I’m against the marriage
F- me too (in the same moment I’m thinking that if me and the Cute Girl agreed on everything we should get definitively married soon).
Y- I work with C.elegans, a nematode: basically I’m a worm guy.
F- mmmh. I always hoped to meet an hot girl rather then a warm guy.
What I wanted to communicate with this post?
1) To Know the English language is important (click here: paper sing).
2) English spoken at “Erasmus level” is the easiest, most communicative, and funny language.
I do believe that in the world of the next centuries people will probably speak like me, unfortunately not yet….


Falloppio said...

....e il prossimo topic in sanscrito.

yetbutaname said...

hi, i come to read english, not to speak it. Among the lines, i could fully appreciate the yellow-greenish ones.

Best wishes.

When you please, spend some of your time and

radiobeba said...

ti vedo bello impergolato nei giochi di parole in inglese,

per le sottigliezze chiederò lumi -mi sa che lavori troppo, comunque :-)))

Falloppio said...

paper sing= carta canta (per chi non sa leggere tra le righe).

cristina13 said...

non so leggere quasi neanche le righe, figurati il tra.

Senti, dimmi se mi vedi, adesso.

(tre sensi in un commento, mica male).


gattarandagia said...

senti, maaa ... questa è un po' 'na cattiveria!

gopaneel said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day,Fallopop!

have you heard about the Irish boomerang? it doesn't come back,it just sings sad songs about how much it wants to :-)

Ziby- give in today,give in tomorrow (daje oggi,daje domani) you will be able to get your blog moving on.

Falloppio said...

BURRRRP!!! That's the spirit....I guess

yetbutaname said...

Sure, the exhaling spirit of St. Patrick's day